🎨 Color Modes

With Theme UI

Theme UI uses theme.colors.modes:

colors: {
text: '#000',
background: '#fff',
primary: '#07c',
modes: {
dark: {
text: '#fff',
background: '#000',
primary: '#0cf',

With Dripsy

On the other hand, Dripsy does not support colors.modes.

Instead, we opt for a more React-like API.

If you want to change color modes, use React Context and pass a different theme to DripsyProvider:

const colorMode = useColorScheme()
return (
<DripsyProvider theme={colorMode === 'dark' ? theme : themeLight}>
<App />

You should use a useColorScheme or Appearance from react-native to detect a user's theme. If you want to let users set up their own theme, you can use that with a custom context.


1. Make a base theme

First, make a base theme.

This theme should define the shape for every one of your color modes.

For example, if your base theme is dark, it might look like this:

import { makeTheme } from 'dripsy'
const darkColors = {
$background: 'black',
$text: 'white',
export const theme = makeTheme({
colors: darkColors,
type MyTheme = typeof theme
declare module 'dripsy' {
interface DripsyCustomTheme extends MyTheme {}

Every other theme you create just needs to match the same shape as your base theme.

2. Create other themes

Now, you can import the Theme type from Dripsy. It will match the schema of your base theme.

const darkColors = { $background: 'black', $text: 'white' }
const lightColors: typeof darkColors = {
$text: 'black',
$background: 'white',
export const themeLight = {
colors: lightColors,

Final Code

// theme.ts
import { makeTheme } from 'dripsy'
const darkColors = {
$background: 'black',
$text: 'white',
const theme = makeTheme({
colors: darkColors,
type MyTheme = typeof theme
declare module 'dripsy' {
interface DripsyCustomTheme extends MyTheme {}
const lightColors: typeof darkColors = {
$text: 'black',
$background: 'white',
const themeLight = {
colors: lightColors,
export { theme, themeLight }

Then, in your provider:

// provider.tsx
import { theme, themeLight } from './theme'
import { DripsyProvider } from 'dripsy'
import { useColorScheme } from 'react-native'
export function AppProvider({ children }) {
const colorMode = useColorScheme()
return (
<DripsyProvider theme={colorMode === 'dark' ? theme : themeLight}>

And finally, in your App.tsx:

import { AppProvider } from './provider'
export default function App() {
return (
<YourApp />

Or, if you're using Next.js, use _app.tsx:

import { AppProvider } from './provider'
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />